Get ready for a night of unpredictable hilarity with Flip It Funny, the latest innovative comedy show from Kelowna Comedy! Hosted by the inimitable Dave Kopp, this show brings a thrilling twist to the traditional comedy set. With each bit, comedians must flip a coin to determine whether they’ll deliver their usual punchline or improvise a new one on the spot.
Featuring the comedic talents of Caleb Campbell, Malcom Artiga, Rajaa Dionysus, Riley Hindley, Bonnie Esson, Andrew Crone, and Colton Campbell, this show is a unique blend of chance and skill, ensuring no two performances are the same.
Join us for an evening where the flip of a coin changes the direction of a bit and the shape of a punchline. Experience the excitement as these comedians navigate the fine line between planned and impromptu, guaranteeing you a night full of unexpected laughs.
Come see chance and skill take over the stage at Flip It Funny! Don’t miss out on this one-of-a-kind comedy event that promises to keep you on the edge of your seat!