“A Musical Sleigh Ride” will start the pre-holiday season off with a bang.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s Piano Concerto, Opus #23 will feature George Foukal, accompanied by the Kamloops Brandenburg Orchestra. Leopold Mozart’s Musical Sleigh Ride is a great start to winter festivities, and his “Toy symphony” (Kinder Sinfonie) adds fun to the music. Come one and all to see our regalia and hear our music in the wonderful acoustics of the St. Paul’s Anglican Cathedral.
Parking may be challenging downtown with construction between 4th and Nicola and 5th and Battle. To assist – we are ready to support those needing to be dropped at the door entering and waiting while their driver parks. Street parking should be less of a problem on a Sunday. We are also negotiating an opportunity to use the WorkSafeBC parking lot. This is very close, accessed from St Paul Street between 3rd and 4th Avenues, with the back lane right behind the Saint Paul’s Cathedral.